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Visioneering StudiosTags
A couple weeks ago we were exposed to just what little time we have to make a first impression on a guest; 7 seconds. Not much time to impact the thought and emotional reaction of these guests. Every “touch” point during a guest experience has the opportunity to build on the previous interaction, or to destroy it. Every encounter and milestone of this first experience is critical…like building blocks. Without a strong foundation, the rest of the blocks find themselves less stable and tentative.
Assuming your first time guest has made the conscious decision to pull onto your site, their first 7 second encounter will be in your parking lot. Their first impression starts at the entrance of the parking lot and may continue until they reach your front door. Too often church leaders think the parking lot is irrelevant and just a place to store the means of transportation used by the congregation. They see it as just common place instead of a touch point and a place to impact people (thus souls). Big mistake!
As you think about your parking experience, here are 3 things that are foundational in making this the best 7 seconds possible:
Please do not see your sea of asphalt as just a place to park vehicles…but be intentional (we have talk about this before) and make it a safe environment that is bathed in prayer and enhances the experience of your guests. Sounds like a winner to me.